DGK Architects - innovative architecture

Architect or Builder?

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When building a house, there are two procurement methods to choose from: an Architect or a Building Company. The common myth surrounding Perth architects is that they are only required for extravagant and expensive homes.  However, this article will debunk this myth by outlining the differences between these two professions and, indeed, how the services of a Perth architect can add value to your project.

Building Company – The first point of contact is a salesperson, who ultimately works on commission. Following the initial meeting you will passed onto a multitude of people, where a breakdown in communication often occurs.
Architect – Bound by Professional Codes of Conduct as a design professional, a Perth architect considers all socioeconomic factors of the project, with a focus on the client’s best interests. Given their expertise, they manage the entire process across all stages, leaving no confusion or ambiguity.

Building Company – Standard contracts show a single figure based on the total project cost and does not outline other consultant and statutory fees associated to the build. This leaves uncertainty on the actual value of the build.
Architect – Clients are presented with a breakdown of the construction cost and total project cost, ensuring clarity of where their money is going. This allows necessary adjustments to be made if clients’ wish to spend more or less on specific areas of the project.

Building Company – Copyright of the design remains with the building company. Therefore, if their price or service doesn’t satisfy expectations, clients are not entitled to the design and have to begin the process again if they seek out another builder.
Architect – Copyright of the design remains with the architect. This allows for greater control in the procurement and tendering of the project. Therefore, clients have greater transparency and flexibility on the construction process whilst achieving balance between quality and cost.

The value an architect brings to a project can have a profound impact on the final cost and overall outcome.

Building Company – Clients receive a specification package based on the design they select. Variations can be an expensive exercise, as the drawings and documentation need to be updated to reflect the changes. This method is ideal for clients who don’t wish to make any alterations.
Architect – An architect designs and specifies the project as per the client brief and budget. Allowing greater flexibility to introduce a wide array of materials, fixtures and/or finishes, which is then priced, and cost managed at the conclusion of the documentation stage.

Building Company – The traditional role of a builder was to build off the architectural drawings. With the removal of the architect’s involvement, builders typically revert to more common constructable methods. Unaware of the client’s expectations, the design intent may be lost in the process.
Architect – During the documentation stage architects work methodically to coordinate each design element and detail to ensure constructability, making the builders job easier. Adhering to the client’s vision and budget, they will exhaust all outcomes until the best solution is met.

Building Company – The builder’s main objective is to ensure the building is structurally sound. Left to their own devices, and/or if changes need to be made on site, they will take necessary steps to complete the project, which may result in the original design intent to be lost.
Architect – A Perth architect oversees the project and will hold all parties accountable, from start to finish. Providing a level of instruction and assistance, architects aid in the construction process and make sure the intent, quality, and budget are upheld.

It is very clear to see the advantages, and more importantly the value architects can bring to any project type. Whilst Perth architects require fees outside of the building contract, the service they provide can have a profound impact on the final cost and overall outcome of the project. Therefore, outweighing the minimal up-front payment.

So, which procurement method would be more suitable for your next project?


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